Hormone Imbalance treatment

We offer an easy and non-invasive way to assess your hormone balance.

Hormone balance regulates everything from reproduction to emotions to general health and well-being. An imbalance of any one hormone can throw physical and mental health out of balance, causing aggravating and even serious health problems.

There are several ways to test for a hormone imbalance (saliva, serum and urine), but the most effective method is through saliva. Hormone testing is accomplished through saliva samples that are gathered over the period of one day or in some cases over a month. Using saliva for testing, we can see the varying levels of hormones your body experiences throughout the day, whereas blood testing yields results indicative of the moment the blood was drawn.

Why test hormone levels?

Hormones are powerful molecules essential for maintaining physical and mental health. We frequently think of estrogen as being a female hormone and testosterone as being a male hormone. But men AND women make both, plus several more that need to be in balance for optimum health. An imbalance of any one hormone can throw your physical and mental health out of balance, causing aggravating and even serious health problems.

One size does not fit all when it comes to hormones! For decades western medicine has prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy as if everyone needed the same thing and the same amount. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your hormones are like your fingerprints and in order to achieve optimal health, you need to know what your specific imbalances are.

Who needs hormone testing?

  • Men and women concerned with decreasing hormone levels as a result of age.

  • Cycling women experiencing PMS symptoms, perhaps related to a hormonal imbalance.

  • Peri and postmenopausal women concerned with their estradiol and progesterone levels for replacement considerations.

  • Those wishing to monitor their hormone levels following replacement therapy (oral, sublingual or topical), and subsequently regulate their supplement levels.

  • Anyone with symptoms involving fatigue, insomnia, stress, immunity problems, blood sugar problems and obesity should be tested for cortisol levels as well as “sex” hormones.

Men and women of any age who are having symptoms of hormone imbalances should test for all hormones that may be associated with their symptoms. Men and women over the age of forty may want to do a baseline test. Frequently, imbalances will be detectable for a time period before symptoms gain attention.

Test tubes filled with saliva for hormone testing