Estrogen dominance and hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism affects women seven times more frequently than men. The epidemic of estrogen dominance among women is likely at the core of this disparity. Excess estrogen levels or “estrogen dominance” causes the liver to produce high levels of thyroid binding globulin (TBG), which, as its name suggests, binds the thyroid hormone and decreases the amount of thyroid hormone that can be assimilated and utilized by the cells.
How the thyroid works
The thyroid gland produces hormone that control our metabolic rate. Hypothyroid function or low thyroid is a common condition and its diagnosis is often missed. In this video I explain some of the basics of how the thyroid works and why comprehensive testing is so important.
What are the signs of an under active thyroid?
Hypothyroidism is extremely common and a frequent cause of weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, and more. Watch this video to learn more about signs of hypothyroidism and tests we can perform to understand if you are suffering from low thyroid function.
If you don’t test for it, you won’t find it
We frequently have patients with obvious signs of hypothyroidism tell us that they had had their thyroid tested and the were normal. When they bring us the requested results we see that only one test was performed. We routinely test ten factors of the thyroid and frequently find abnormals other than the usual TSH or T4.
Essential oils for romance
With our fast paced, high stressed lifestyles causing imbalances and hormonal issues, this can also lead to issues with frigidity, lack of desire, or even erectile dysfunction in men. Essential oils can provide a low-cost at home method to alleviate these symptoms.
How adrenal stress affects your health
Learn from Dr. Haas about how the adrenal glad functions and the impact adrenal stress has on your health.
Signs and causes of hormone imbalance
Reversing insulin resistance
A leading cause of weight gain is insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that transports glucose into our cells so that the cells can burn the glucose as fuel. When we bombard our cells with insulin by eating lots of carbs, our cells stop letting the glucose in. When the glucose gets stuck in circulation, it eventually gets sent to storage in the form of fat.