Reduce stress naturally

Stress can be defined as anything that your body doesn’t like. This can vary from person to person. Some people are deathly afraid of public speaking, while others enjoy it. Some people hate cold weather and others love to play outdoors in the snow.

Stress causes a disruption of secretion of cortisol from the adrenal glands. In a stressful situation high amounts of cortisol are released - otherwise known as our fight or flight response. If this happens only occasionally it isn’t a problem, but when we are constantly in fight or flight mode the increased cortisol becomes a disruptor for other key systems of the body.

There are some universal stressors we should all strive avoid or minimize when possible:

  1. Sleep deprivation is the most common stressor. Although some people need more sleep than others, not getting enough of the hours that you need can be devastating for your health.

  2. Caffeine and other stimulants cause higher output of cortisol.

  3. Bright lights and especially light from our electronic devices raise cortisol levels.

  4. Going a long time without eating causes our adrenal glands to work extra hard to help to maintain blood sugar is also very stressful.

Signs of stress are fatigue, craving salt or sweet, sensitivity to light, and even getting dizzy when standing too quickly. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms assess your current lifestyle for the stressors above, or your own personal stressors, and take steps to minimize them. Your health will thank you!


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