What are the early signs of disease?
In my thirty plus years as a wellness practitioner I have seen somewhere around fifteen thousand different individuals come through my office. Each person has their own set of concerns and complaints. Usually by the time these patients take action their situation has become chronic and complicated and takes a lot of work, time and money to get better.
Solving the sleep problem
Difficulties with sleep are very common. There are many factors to consider if you are having problems with either going to sleep or staying asleep. This video is a very basic explanation of the neurotransmitters involved in sleep.
Staying asleep naturally
Staying asleep is a different pathway in the brain than falling asleep. Watch this video to learn about the difference and ways to naturally help yourself stay asleep at night.
Falling asleep naturally
Sleep problems are extremely common in our society. Getting to sleep and staying asleep are two different issues. If you are having trouble falling asleep, watch this video for some basic information to help you fall asleep naturally.
How the thyroid works
The thyroid gland produces hormone that control our metabolic rate. Hypothyroid function or low thyroid is a common condition and its diagnosis is often missed. In this video I explain some of the basics of how the thyroid works and why comprehensive testing is so important.
What are the signs of an under active thyroid?
Hypothyroidism is extremely common and a frequent cause of weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, and more. Watch this video to learn more about signs of hypothyroidism and tests we can perform to understand if you are suffering from low thyroid function.
If you don’t test for it, you won’t find it
We frequently have patients with obvious signs of hypothyroidism tell us that they had had their thyroid tested and the were normal. When they bring us the requested results we see that only one test was performed. We routinely test ten factors of the thyroid and frequently find abnormals other than the usual TSH or T4.
Balancing metablism: 50 lbs lost in 5 months
When a patient comes to us seeking weight loss, we always start by evaluating all of the metabolic processes in the body. This is a story of a women in her twenties who came to our office early this year. She was looking for a holistic plan for overall health with the end product of weight reduction.
Essential oils for romance
With our fast paced, high stressed lifestyles causing imbalances and hormonal issues, this can also lead to issues with frigidity, lack of desire, or even erectile dysfunction in men. Essential oils can provide a low-cost at home method to alleviate these symptoms.
Weight gain is often a sign of metabolic imbalance
Gaining metabolic balance can be a complex problem for some people. One of the most common presenting signs is weight gain and the inability to shed that weight. This problem usually appears with increasing age and seems to worsen over time.
How adrenal stress affects your health
Learn from Dr. Haas about how the adrenal glad functions and the impact adrenal stress has on your health.
Treating diabetes and weight gain naturally
Diabetes and weight gain tend to go hand in hand. There are both genetic as well as environmental factors that play a role. The good news is that even once damaged, the normal functioning of the blood sugar system can be restored.