Balancing your metabolism
Over the past thirty years I have found that patients who have had difficulty with weight loss have missed addressing one or more key metabolic issues. Issues such as thyroid insufficiency, insulin resistance, and hormone imbalance must be addressed along with the usual diet and exercise protocols. Under-active thyroid function slows metabolism and causes under utilization of calories consumed. Insulin Resistance makes it difficult to get glucose into the cells to be burned as energy. Hormone imbalances, including estrogen dominance and low testosterone, lead to increased fat deposition.
In order to figure out why a patient has difficulty with weight loss, there are a number of steps that must be taken:
Get a complete health history looking for genetic tendencies and abnormal metabolic trends.
Perform lab tests to see what is happening “below the surface.”
Make sure that the patient has been following a reasonable diet and exercise routine.
Design a plan to correct abnormal metabolism and correct lifestyle issues.
We normally look to see weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week. In our office we have found that some patients are so out of balance that once we get them on the correct path they lose as much as five pounds per week.
Want to learn more about how we can help you reach your weight loss goals? See here for our weight loss management services or schedule a free consultation today.