Losing fat vs losing weight
Losing weight and losing fat are not necessarily the same thing. You might think that they go hand in hand but that isn’t always the case.
Detoxification: Slow and steady wins the race
At this time of the year we get a lot of patients asking about detoxification procedures. After holiday indiscretions comes the remorse and sick feelings that result from eating and drinking sweets, alcohol, and chemicals that many of our healthy patients usually avoid. By drinking water and eating organic foods you can detox yourself, and there are other ways to increase the speed of detoxification when needed.
Are there healthier Halloween treats?
While sugar on special occasions can be ok, we must be vigilant about the toxins within artificial candy. There are ways to make healthier choices for our kids on Halloween that limits toxin exposure while allowing them to celebrate the holiday.
Kill the monsters while they’re small
Many years ago I learned the phrase “Kill the monsters while they’re small.” For over thirty years I have been seeing patients and with some serious health challenges. When a condition has been present for a long time, it is usually more severe and takes longer to correct.
If you don’t test for it, you won’t find it
We frequently have patients with obvious signs of hypothyroidism tell us that they had had their thyroid tested and the were normal. When they bring us the requested results we see that only one test was performed. We routinely test ten factors of the thyroid and frequently find abnormals other than the usual TSH or T4.
Balancing metablism: 50 lbs lost in 5 months
When a patient comes to us seeking weight loss, we always start by evaluating all of the metabolic processes in the body. This is a story of a women in her twenties who came to our office early this year. She was looking for a holistic plan for overall health with the end product of weight reduction.
How to avoid electromagnetic fields
Electromagnetic fields are all around us. However, there are a few tactics we can employ to limit their harm.
Multi-polar magnets for electromagnetic field protection
Even though we cannot do away with the abnormal bombardment of electrical pollution from everyday life, we can protect ourselves. A simple multi-polar magnet, no bigger than a credit card, energizes our energy field to protect us.
Are you protein deficient?
Protein deficiency is the second most common nutritional deficiency I see in my patients. When protein is digested it is broken down into amino acids which are building blocks for bones, muscles and connective tissue. It also is the building blocks of our organs.
What is the quality of your supplements?
Recently there has been a lot of news about the quality of nutritional supplements. In over thirty years or using nutrition to restore health I have found that many patients have failed prior to seeing me because they used substandard products in trying to heal themselves.
Essential oils for romance
With our fast paced, high stressed lifestyles causing imbalances and hormonal issues, this can also lead to issues with frigidity, lack of desire, or even erectile dysfunction in men. Essential oils can provide a low-cost at home method to alleviate these symptoms.
How to increase the speed of healing
Healing comes from within, but we can speed the healing process if we maximize our lifestyle and use healing technologies.
Weight gain is often a sign of metabolic imbalance
Gaining metabolic balance can be a complex problem for some people. One of the most common presenting signs is weight gain and the inability to shed that weight. This problem usually appears with increasing age and seems to worsen over time.
How adrenal stress affects your health
Learn from Dr. Haas about how the adrenal glad functions and the impact adrenal stress has on your health.
Are plastic bottles causing low testosterone in men and women?
Plastic water bottles have been linked to low testosterone in males and low libido in both sexes.
Balancing your metabolism
Over the past thirty years I have found that patients who have had difficulty with weight loss have missed addressing one or more key metabolic issues. Issues such as thyroid insufficiency, insulin resistance and hormone imbalance must be addressed along with the usual diet and exercise protocols.
Should I use ice or heat on my injury?
One of the most common questions that I get is when to use cold or heat therapy on an injury. It is very important make the correct choice to shorten healing time and most of all, not make the problem worse.
Using essential oils
Essential oils are aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants. It is always important to use a quality essential oil. They can be used to relax you, help you fall asleep or wake you up.
Why am I so tired?
Fatigue is generally caused by asking your body to do more that it is capable of doing and/or for a longer time than it is capable. It is like running a race that you haven’t trained for.
Do you have a slow metabolism?
The simplest thing to do first is to monitor your body temperature. By taking your temperature several times each day and looking at the trend, you can see if your internal furnace is burning fuel properly. Hypothyroidism, improper diet, and low activity levels can all contribute to a low metabolic rate.